Dos minutos sobre por quƩ los empleadores necesitan CareMoat
āā Prenda
10 X ROI
CareMoat gives you an ROI of over 1000% meaning that CareMoat is paying you to do business. By changing the way health benefit plans are designed and managed, CareMoat can achieve a saving of more than $2000 annually per employee in health benefits cost and can improve the health benefits for employees making them a recruiting and retention magnet.
The CareMoat solution is the future of health benefits. The Caremoat solution saves big money, stops future increases and improves benefits for employees.
Employers are blocked by common myths about health benefit plans when they can choose to spend less and get more in 9 steps with the CareMoat Solution. Our eBook shows you how dramatic savings and benefit improvements are possible with case studies of employers who have actually achieved these results.
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Acerca de CareMoat
CareMoatĀ®, con sede en Nashville, ofrece un servicio de membresĆa para empleadores autoasegurados y sus empleados, lo que les brinda una forma mĆ”s simple y rĆ”pida de mejorar su experiencia de atenciĆ³n mĆ©dica/beneficios y ayudarlos a ahorrar dinero.
CareMoatĀ® Champions estĆ” dedicado a miembros individuales y una aplicaciĆ³n fĆ”cil de usar proporciona informaciĆ³n a los miembros para tomar mejores decisiones.
CareMoatĀ® almacena de forma segura la informaciĆ³n de los miembros y proporciona esta informaciĆ³n al equipo de atenciĆ³n mĆ©dica de nuestros miembros. CareMoatĀ® realiza un seguimiento con nuestros miembros y su equipo para garantizar la mejor experiencia y el mejor resultado.
A movement consisting of providers, patients, and self-funded employers, who believe that changing the way we purchase healthcare services is necessary and will result in substantial reductions in cost and substantial increases in quality and value.